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Two rumors that were floating around this week were Rick Fuller possibly going to the Chase Racing #77 and Jerry Marquis possibly in the Berkley Auto Racing #46 both for the remainder of the 2007 season.
I heard Fuller will bring some $ to the 77, which is why he'd get to drive it. Doubt Marquis will be in the 46. Houlihan already said that he was retiring at the end of the year. It wouldn't be the right thing to do to kick him out with only a couple races left. I wouldn't be suprised if King had 2 cars next year for Civali and Coby. Well, they have at least 2 cars, but have both of them race.
At this point Coby is a better driver than Fuller. But the wallet will win out on this one. Don King isn't spending on the one car team, don't know how he'll run 2. Most of the crew they have now are Civali's guys, and they will go with him.
AF, the source that told me of the possibility of Marquis being in the #46 said if it was to come to fruition that Houlihan would step out of the ride on his own accord and turn it over to Marquis.
Anon, no offense but I have to chuckle on your comment about Mr King not spending. Three wins and top five in points currently, I think there is about 15 other full time teams on the Tour that wouldnt mind that amount of sucess so far this year, just my opinion.
OK here's the deal OWR I wasn't going to respone because I don't want to cause any trouble, but I will. The Driver of the 28 has been complaining for a long time that the motor has been laying down on restarts and starts. Don says to him over the radio and in the pits"we are the fastest car on the track". I don,t know how that can be. The Carb or ignition are a problem, but because the driver is up on the wheel all of the time the owner thinks the car is fine. That's why I said he doesn't want to spend. The crash at Thompson is a direct result of the problem on restarts. Remember he was leading the show and ended up in the wall. As far as a 2 car team, he will not bring a backup car, why would he run 2 cars.
Owner seems to know whats he's doing. I think he's being doing it now for a little while, hasnt he ?
The driver is there by choice.
If the problem is a real one, maybe the driver should learn how to communicate with others better so the owner can understand its a real issue this time.
That driver cant seem to get a motor that makes him happy, first the 10 was flat and now his tour car. Hmmm.
Marquis being in the #46 came about because Houlie injured his hand. He wasn't sure if he was going to be able to drive at Mansfield, and since Jerry was already there with the Busch cars, he was standing by if needed.
I even heard a rumor - possibly an addition from Houlie being out of the #46 Mod, that the three-time track champ would be returning to Seekonk in a Pro Stock. However, I have asked around and nobody has confirmed it to make it anything beyond a rumor.
Just to clarify, there was a "James" driving the #10 Fri night at SMS but it wasn't James Civali, it was James Larsen behind the wheel of the Rich Vasseur #10.