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The following press release is from PASS Racing, Inc.
PASS Racing Out In Force This Weekend
(Naples, ME August 16, 2007) PASS style racing is back at Wiscasset Raceway this Sunday afternoon August 19th with heat races starting at 3PM, and its almost in full force. The PASS Outlaw Late Models will be at Riverside Speedway in Groveton, NH on Friday night at 7:45PM along with the PASS Modifieds, the Riverside Super Stocks and Street Stocks on two for one night two adult tickets for the price of one. Then on Sunday, the modifieds will make the trek over the mountains to the Maine shoreline for a full afternoon of PASS style action at Doug Whites Wiscasset Raceway.
With over 30 PASS Super Late Models, the fastest full-fendered cars in the northeast, expected to attempt to qualify through the PASS heat races, the 150 green-flag feature will be a show to see as the best drivers in the biggest, fastest, baddest cars battle it out for supremacy on the shoreline.
Points leader Ben Rowe is looking over his shoulder at his dad Mike who is now only eight points back, with Richie Dearborn only 23 behind Mike, and the top five are under a blanket less than 100 back.
With his first PASS win under his belt at Riverside on July 28th, Kelly Moore will be after number two, and his old friend Dave Dion will be there to make a statement as well. You cant ignore Stan Merserve who has more than few laps around Wiscasset. And dont forget the teenage talent Trevor Sanborn, Derek Ramstrom, and Adam Bates, who are fifth, seventh, and ninth in the points, as they battle it out for Rookie of the Year.
With Chris Staples and Mark Lucas holding down the top two spots in the points in the PASS Modifieds without a win so far in 2007, the top five in points are separated by fewer than 50 points going into the weekend. Gary Norris and Jason Taylor have each visited Victory Lane twice, and Steve Bennett, Jr is looking to get his first and move up from his fifth spot in the points in the 40-lap feature.
Dan McKeage with two wins in the first three races of the season will be looking to stretch his lead over Jerry Harrison and Nate Weston in the 75-lap PASS Pullen Sportsman Series feature. Robert Emery, Jr and Shane Tatro make up the rest of the top five in the big field of over 30 teams that have tuned out for the first three races of the season in this fast growing series.
The Wiscasset Stock minis will also be joining the fray as the show gets under way with heat races at 3PM, and the Super Late Model 150 presented by P. T. Watts, Hight Pontiac, Buick, GMC, and Watson Racing Heads is expected to go off at approximately 6PM.
For those who want to get the best seats and watch practice, the grandstands open at noon. Adults admission for this monster show is only $20, teens 11 to 16 are $10, kids 6 to 10 are $5.00. There is a five dollar discount for seniors, and kids under five are FREE. Its all happening this Sunday at Wiscasset Raceway on West Alna Rd. for further information call the raceway hotline at 207-882-4271 or visit the Wiscasset website at www.wiscassetraceway.us.And for all the latest information on PASS visit www.proallstarsseries.com.