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Chip Ganassi Racing won't renew the contract of Scott Lagasse Jr. for next season, team director of NASCAR operations John Fernandez confirmed Sunday. Lagasse is under contract for the remainder of this season. Ganassi has several development drivers under contract, including Kevin Hamlin, Bryan Clauson and Brady Bacon. (Scene Daily) A Side Note And A Word From Lagasse: Lagasse has seven Busch Series starts to his credit with a best finish of 22nd at Milwaukee in 2005 while driving what was then a FitzBradshaw Racing entry. He also has 11 CTS starts to his credit with a best finish of 18th in Atlanta. Of his seven NBS starts, only two of them were for the CGR organization, both coming this season in the No. 41. Despite the struggles as of late in the 41, Lagasse had success earlier this season at the Kansas Speedway, after claiming the ARCA RE/MAX Series win over Roush Fenway Racing's Erik Darnell. "I will be leaving Ganassi at the end of the year. It has been exciting for me to hear my name discussed with great interest in the sport over the last few months. As a racer I am looking forward to the full-time opportunities that exist and the possibilities of winning races next year. I am looking forward to letting everyone know what my plans are for the future," Lagasse said. (08-12-07)