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Robby Gordon Motorsports will field Australian Marcos Ambrose in the Busch Series rookie's Nextel Cup Series debut at Watkins Glen this weekend. After one of the most controversial incidents in NASCAR's recent history last weekend, Ambrose has accepted a "peace offering" from Gordon to drive the #77 Camping World Ford Fusion, which will also carry some signage from Ambrose's regular sponsor Kingsford Charcoal. Ambrose led 37 laps, more than any other driver in the NAPA Auto Parts 200 in Montreal last weekend and was on course to record his first NASCAR Busch Series win when he was turned around by Gordon while leading at the second corner at a restart with two laps remaining. As a penalty, Gordon was eliminated from the following day's Nextel Cup race, and while he strongly disagreed with the calls during the Busch race, he has accepted NASCAR's decision and wants to put the incident behind him. Ambrose will continue his NASCAR Busch campaign on Saturday in the #59 Kingsford Charcoal Ford Fusion for Wood Brothers/JTG Racing, but will now do "double duty" in the Robby Gordon Motorsports entry. Gordon will drive the #55 Verizon Wireless Ford Fusion in the Busch race and the #7 Jim Beam Ford Fusion in the Nextel Cup Series race. The Sunday event will be a joint effort between Robby Gordon Motorsports and Wood Brothers/JTG Racing, with Ambrose's regular Kingsford crew doing the pit work and his new Crew Chief Ernie Cope calling the shots from the box on Sunday. Ambrose was originally scheduled to make his Nextel Cup debut in a Wood Brothers/JTG Racing entry this weekend, but several circumstances meant the team had to put their plans on hold. Ambrose currently sits eighth in the Busch Series points and second in the Raybestos Rookie of the Year standings.(RGM/Wasserman Media Group PR)(8-7-2007)