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Non Top-35 teams to qualify together? soon? All year long, teams outside the Top 35 in Nextel Cup owner points have complained about the difficulties they face in making the weekly starting lineup. Now, it looks like their voices are being heard. Sources tell Frontstretch.com that the NASCAR is preparing to make changes to its qualifying procedure by the end of August, setting up a system in which all teams ranked outside the Top 35 qualify together. Eliminating the advantage of the qualifying order, all teams not "locked in" to the field would make their attempts back-to-back at either the beginning or end of the session. The overall starting order would still be determined the same way it is now, but for teams in position to make the field on speed, the differences in track temperature and weather would now be minimized, leveling a playing field that can often be tilted towards certain teams due to qualifying draw. Currently, only eight spots ]actaully 7 with the 43rd going to a past champ if needed, THEN filled by the 8th fastest, that iw why they always start 43rd] are available in the 43-car field to teams not "locked in" to the Top 35, with twelve full-time teams attempting to secure one of those coveted positions each week. As for the Top 35 rule's future, there is no official word from NASCAR that changes are forthcoming next year [2008]...but sources say teams have been told to prepare for a possible adjustment in 2008, despite John Darby's public statements to the contrary.(Frontstretch Newsletter)(8-1-2007)
Go or Go Home Drivers to Qualify Together: Michael Waltrip suggested last season that drivers outside the top 35 in owners' points should be allowed to qualify together so nobody would have an advantage in track conditions. NASCAR officials must have listened. The governing body kicked off its annual media tour by announcing that those outside the top 35 in all three series -- Sprint Cup, Nationwide Series and Craftsman Truck Series -- will qualify at the end of their respective session. (ESPN.com)(1-21-2008)