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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
That's for sure. No motor Agor was pushung him on the restart forcing into the car in front. The motor in the car is a 3 year old Billy Motor. Garry from Larry's Isn't coming thru for him so they are not running the car until they can get a better motor. He'll be there in the Don King car for the Tour race.
Yes, He did But next year the motor rules change for SK's and it would be putting money out for just the remainder of this year. James LOVED the way the car Handled, and will be a winner in that car with a good motor.
unless the motor needed serious work, what would part of the refresh would have been wasted? isnt a refresh, rings, bearings and valve springs for the most part? not sure how spending money on those things would have been a waste if something is changing next year.
are the rule changes for sure going to happen next year?
There are new rods and pistons now that are not in the current motor. Those will have to be changed with the new Dart head that are legal next year. It just doesn't make sense to spend 5-6 grand now and more in 2 months.
the 22 had so much motor that he was able to push the 10 and push the car in front of him to make the front car spin meaning the 22 has enough steam to push two cars on a restart enough to spin a third car ??? i think i will wait for the replay to believe that one.
the 22 had so much motor that he was able to push the 10 and push the car in front of him to make the front car spin meaning the 22 has enough steam to push two cars on a restart enough to spin a third car ??? i think i will wait for the replay to believe that one.
Have you ever watched a race? You never saw a car get pushed into another car?Wake up Life is passing you by!!