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Boating while intoxicated charge has NASCAR connection: The pilot of a boat owned by NASCAR driver #5-Kyle Busch was cited for BWI [Boating while intoxicated] on the Fourth of July. Lake patrol officers said the 44-foot cabin cruiser came within inches of hitting the boat of a lake patrol officer who had his blue lights on and was citing another boater. Two other lake patrol officers witnessed the near collision and rushed to the scene, thinking that the cabin cruiser, owned by Kyle Busch, had actually hit the other officer's boat. Those officers said the person operating Busch's boat, who officials later identified as a front tire changer for a NASCAR team, realized he was in trouble and got his girlfriend to take the pilot's seat while he went into the cabin. The two other lake patrol officers saw the switch, caught up to the cabin cruiser and stopped it. The boat's pilot was cited for boating while intoxicated, operating a boat with insufficient lifejackets, failure to move over for blue lights and careless and reckless boating. Kyle Busch was a passenger on the cabin cruiser but he was not piloting the boat. He owns the boat but he is not facing any charges. The boat is actually registered to NASCAR driver Greg Biffle, because Busch had just bought it and he had not changed the registration yet.(WCNC.com)
UPDATE: Hendrick Motorsports reports Busch was NOT on the boat.(7-11-2007)
Correction to Kyle Busch story: "We (WCNC.com) have a retraction on a story we first reported Wednesday. Wildlife officers cited a boater on Lake Norman on the Fourth of July for boating while impaired and speeding. Ryan Young is facing those charges. During our report, we stated that NASCAR race driver Kyle Busch was the owner of that boat. We have since received documentation that Ryan Young is the boats owner. We also reported Kyle Busch was on board the boat, based on Youngs statements to the arresting officer. We learned Thursday from Hendrick Motorsports that Kyle Busch was not on board the boat. We regret this error."(WCNC.com)(7-12-2007)BWI/NASCAR connection story looks to be bogus UPDATE: The original post that was linked and posted on the WCNC.com site at approx 1:24pm/et today and removed around 430pm/et without explantion: The pilot of a boat owned by NASCAR driver #5-Kyle Busch was cited for BWI [Boating while intoxicated] on the Fourth of July. Lake patrol officers said the 44-foot cabin cruiser came within inches of hitting the boat of a lake patrol officer who had his blue lights on and was citing another boater. Two other lake patrol officers witnessed the near collision and rushed to the scene, thinking that the cabin cruiser, owned by Kyle Busch, had actually hit the other officer's boat. Those officers said the person operating Busch's boat, who officials later identified as a front tire changer for a NASCAR team, realized he was in trouble and got his girlfriend to take the pilot's seat while he went into the cabin. The two other lake patrol officers saw the switch, caught up to the cabin cruiser and stopped it. The boat's pilot was cited for boating while intoxicated, operating a boat with insufficient lifejackets, failure to move over for blue lights and careless and reckless boating. Kyle Busch was [NOT] a passenger on the cabin cruiser but he was not piloting the boat. He owns the boat but he is not facing any charges. The boat is actually registered to NASCAR driver Greg Biffle, because Busch had just bought it and he had not changed the registration yet.(WCNC.com - link/story was pulled after 3 hours)UPDATE: Hendrick Motorsports reports Busch was NOT on the boat and it was not his boat, WCNC.com informed me the stroy was pulled as they looked for a second source, sounds like something that should had been done in the first place. Been requested by HMS and WCNC.com that I just delete and pull down this story, but I don't do that, not fair to the readers. NOTE: it is still posted on the Sunherald.com site.(7-11-2007)