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Kahne wants out of Evernham? UPDATE denied: #9-Kasey Kahne's frustration at Evernham Motorsports has forced him to ask out of his contract, according to Fox Sports. Kahne reportedly wants the freedom to negotiate with Dale Earnhardt Inc. to replace Dale Earnhardt Jr. in 2008. Dodge got a new front bumper this year, and so far it's been a big challenge to figure out. Kahne has one top-10 finish this year and is 26th in the standings.(Augusta Chronicle) AND it was reported on Tuesday's NASCAR Now [ESPN2 6:30pm/et] that DEI has not spoken to Kahne about ride and that Evernham and Dodge have Kahne under contract and do not plan on losing Kahne.(7-6-2007) UPDATE: #9-Kasey Kahne denied on Thursday a report that he would leave Evernham Motorsports after this season and move to Dale Earnhardt Inc. or another Nextel Cup organization. "I've had plenty of different teams calling to talk to me because we're running bad," said Kahne, who is 26th in points a year after making the championship chase and winning a series-high six races. "I haven't talked to any other teams. I have never once talked to another team owner. It's just another reporter putting something out there with no facts. It's not true," he said. Kahne has a deal at Evernham Motorsports through the 2010 season. Team owner Ray Evernham said there are no plans to let Kahne out of the contract and that his impending partnership with Montreal Canadiens owner George Gillett Jr. would not provide an out. "There are ways to purchasing," he said. "Whether it's stocks or assets makes a huge difference." Evernham added that Kahne has given no indication he wants out of his deal. "Right now what we're trying to do is get this thing sorted out," he said. "Kasey has been one of my biggest supporters. The way he's jumped in, you'd think he was my partner. I'm really proud of him."(ESPN.com)(7-6-2007)