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Chip Ganassi Racing with Felix Sabates (CGRFS) announced Wednesday it is making crew changes to its No. 41 Wrigleys and No. 42 Texaco/Havoline NASCAR Busch Series (NBS) teams. Crew chief Brad Parrott and his crew will move over to work on the No. 41 Dodge with drivers Reed Sorenson, David Stremme, Scott Pruett, Scott Lagasse Jr., and Bryan Clauson, while crew chief Brian Pattie and his team will now work with drivers Juan Pablo Montoya and Kevin Hamlin on the No. 42 Dodge effective this weekend at New Hampshire International Speedway (NHIS). "Since its inception, our Busch Series program has experienced some great accomplishments in a short period of time. Weve had some highlights this year, as well, but both teams are lacking consistency," said team managing director John Fernandez. "Our Busch program exists to develop our drivers, so were hoping this move will get the teams performance to where we think it should be right now and to prepare for the up-and-coming racers who will be in those cars later this year and seasons ahead." The No. 41 team currently sits 27th in the Busch Series owner standings and has accumulated two poles, two top-five and three top-10 finishes, and the No. 42 team sits 12th in the owner standings with one win, one top-five and three top-10 finishes. (CGRwFS PR) (06-27-07)