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Sportsman Battles Continue at WDEV 100 on Thursday
For Immediate Release TR-061807-1
BARRE, VT A variety of battles in the NAPA Tiger Sportsman stock car racing division will heat up again at the WDEV 100 on Thursday (June 21) at Barres Thunder Road. Clashes in the division between age groups and automobile manufacturers have been spectacular in 2007. The WDEV 100, which is the second of two extra-distance events for the intermediate Sportsman class this year, is shaping up to provide more of the same. With half of the top-10 point drivers combining for an average age of 24.6 and the other half considerably older at an average of 44.8 years old, it appears that some schooling is taking place by both groups. Young guns Nick Sweet, Pete Ainsworth, and Brendan Moodie lead 63 year-old veteran Joey Laquerre in NAPA Sportsman point standings after four events. The balance of the top-10 is comprised of drivers ranging in age from 21 year-old feature winner Tom Therrien to multi-time King of the Road Chuck Beede, age 50. While General Motors products have swept the first four events of the 2007 season, three full-time Ford drivers have been in close striking distance throughout the campaign. Sweet, Therrien, and Scott Coburn have victories for Chevrolet while Laquerre won the Casella Waste Management Mothers Day 100 in a Pontiac, but Ford racers Ainsworth, Moodie, and Justin Hart have each scored a top-five finish. Hart is also the defending winner of the WDEV event from one year ago. Laquerres 100-lap victory on Mothers Day came after a tense 40-lap duel with Sweet and eventual runner- up Craig Bushey that brought the Thunder Road fans to their feet. The Mothers Day event win was his second in as many years. Other past 100-lap Sportsman winners at Thunder Road include Shawn Fleury (WDEV 100 in 2005), Ainsworth (July 2004), and Chip Grenier (August 2003). Harts 2006 WDEV win came in a Twin 75 format. WDEV is The Friendly Pioneer in the Radio Vermont Group, and was founded in 1931 in Waterbury, VT. WDEV can be heard on 550 AM, 96.1 FM, in Barre at 96.5 FM, and online at www.wdevradio.com. Green flag qualifying action for the WDEV 100, plus ACT Late Models, Allen Lumber Street Stocks, and Power Shift Junkyard Warriors is scheduled for an early start time of 6:00pm on Thursday, June 21. General admission prices at Thunder Road continue to be the best entertainment value in Vermont at only $9 for adults, $3 for children, and just $18 for a family of four. For more information, call (802) 244-6963 or visit www.thunderroadspeedbowl.com. -30- Contact: Justin St. Louis Phone: (802) 244-6963 Email: media@acttour.com Fax: (802) 244-1616