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Thompson State police are looking for help from anyone who might have been in the main parking area at Thompson Motor Speedway Sunday evening when a man was stabbed in a fight as patrons were leaving the racetrack. Police said several state troopers responded to the area about 9:37 p.m. when fighting erupted as patrons were trying to exit the lot. Police found Jeffrey Cornelius 32, in the lot, suffering from several stab wounds. He was taken to Day Kimball Hospital in Putman, where he was treated. His injuries were not life-threatening. Police were able to secure the scene of the fight and interview several witnesses, they said. Still, they are asking that anyone else who might have witnessed the altercation call the state police in Danielson,860-779-7900, or the Crime Tips Hotline 860-779-4944.
THOMPSON -- State police are seeking witnesses to a fight and stabbing that left one man injured Sunday night at the Thompson International Speedway parking lot.
Police said the Quinebaug Valley Emergency Services dispatch center received numerous calls about the incident shortly after 9:30 p.m.
Troopers on duty at the racing program and troopers from the Danielson barracks found Jeffrey L. Conelius, 32, of 46 Union Ave., Norwalk, had suffered several stab wounds. He was taken to Day Kimball Hospital in Putnam for treatment of his injuries.
The Eastern District Major Crime Squad is investigating and asks anyone who witnessed the incident to call the detective unit at the Danielson barracks at 779-4900 or the Troop D Crime Tips Hotline at 779-4944.