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MOORESVILLE, N.C. (May 29, 2007) -- The 2007 NASCAR season is turning out to be Regan Smith's coming out party. The 23-year-old native of Cato, N.Y. is making a strong statement with his success in the NASCAR Busch Series.
Before joining Ginn Racing following the 2006 season, Smith had scored only one top-10 finish in 85 Busch starts. In the first 13 races of the current season, he has claimed four top 10s to go along with two top fives.
After nailing an impressive fifth-place result in last week's race at Lowe's Motor Speedway, Smith moved into sixth place in the Busch driver point standings, the highest position among non-Nextel Cup regulars.
Smith, who drives the No. 4 Chevrolet, is quick to point out that additional top 10s slipped away in the later stages of at least two races.
"Mexico and Las Vegas were shoo-in top 10s, but driver error in one and an accident in the other ruined those racing days," noted Smith, who is also getting rave reviews off the track for his personality and articulation at sponsorship appearances.
Smiths success is due not only to a maturation of talent, but also to having a strong team behind him, led by crew chief Doug Randolph.
"Regan not only has an incredible amount of skill, but also a very strong work ethic," said Randolph. "I must say that's a pretty good formula for success."
Smith has also shown his racing talent this season in the Nextel Cup Series as the co-driver with Mark Martin in the No. 01 U.S. Army Chevrolet. Smith's first three career Cup races were at some of the most difficult venues on the schedule -- Bristol, Martinsville and Talladega.
"I guess you could say we threw him to the wolves, but he handled it like a seasoned pro," said Martin. "I enjoy working with Regan -- he listens well and works hard at improving his skills. I like everything that I see about him -- he's the real deal."
For the record, Smith not only finished in his three Cup races, he did so with respectable results for a rookie. His finishes were: 25th (Bristol), 26th (Martinsville) and 24th (Talladega).
"Mark has been a huge help -- he has taught me so many things that are making a difference on the track," offered Smith. "Without his advice I am pretty sure I would not have had some of those top-10 finishes. I know I have a lot to learn and thats why I listen intently when Mark speaks. Why not? I am getting free advice from the best coach in the business."
I couldn't be in a better position at this stage of my career," added Smith, whose next scheduled Cup start is the June 24 road event at Infineon Raceway in Sonoma, Calif.
"We couldn't have asked for any more than what Regan has given to our team -- both on and off the track," said Jay Frye, CEO and general manager of Ginn Racing. "He's a talented-young athlete with an insatiable urge to succeed."
Smith will be looking to add to his Busch success this weekend at Dover International Speedway.
-- Edited by openwheelracer at 19:21, 2007-05-29