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Biffle/Tryson could reunite at DEI? Pat Tryson doesn't know where he'll work next, but he hasn't ruled out a reunion with driver #16-Greg Biffle. Fired as Biffle's crew chief at Roush Fenway Racing this week, Tryson said on Thursday at Lowe's Motor Speedway that he's been contacted about a job from officials at Dale Earnhardt Inc. He also acknowledged that Biffle has had ongoing conversations with DEI even before Dale Earnhardt Jr. announced he was leaving the organization that his father built. "I know if they want to keep Greg Biffle, [Roush] better get some stuff together,'' Tryson said during practice for Sunday's Coca-Cola 600. "I don't think Greg's shopping himself. I also don't believe he's going to rush to sign.'' Biffle's contract with Roush Fenway runs through 2008 and he's in the middle of negotiations on an extension. While he's said that an extension is his first choice, he wouldn't be the first person to get out of a Roush contract a year early. Kurt Busch left a year after the 2005 season to join Penske Racing.(ESPN.com)(5-24-2007)
Tryson close to a deal with DEI: Pat Tryson, who was fired by Roush Fenway Racing last week, is close to a deal with Dale Earnhardt Inc. Richie Gilmore, the director of motorsports at DEI, hopes to have Tryson signed within the next two weeks. "He's looking at a couple of other options, but right now we're at the top of his list,'' Gilmore said before Sunday's Coca-Cola 600 at Lowe's Motor Speedway. DEI officials also are narrowing their search for a driver to replace Dale Earnhardt Jr., who is leaving the company his father built after this season. They have a list of five candidates and could have that narrowed even further by the end of this week. They are looking not only at drivers currently inside the Nextel Cup garage but drivers who have been champions of other series. "The testament to this organization and what the company stands for is reflected by the high level of interest from people across this entire sport,'' said Max Siegel, the president of global operations at DEI.(ESPN.com)(5-27-2007)