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Elliott to the #21? UPDATE 2 confirmed/details: hearing 1988 Nextel Cup Champ, Bill Elliott, will drive the #21 Wood Brothers/JTG Ford for six races, not sure if that will start after the Nextel Open, which Jon Wood is scheduled to run or for the Coca-Cola 600 at Lowe's Motor Speedway on May 27th. Why Elliott? Bill Elliott, being a past champ, has 6 past champions provisional's to use. #44-Dale Jarrett is out of past champ provisional's and needs to qualify for the race as his team is out of the top-35 in owners points and a guaranteed starting spot. So is the #21 Wood Brothers/JTG Ford team, driven by Ken Schrader [27 races] and rookie Jon Wood [11 races].(5-16-2007)UPDATE: Bill Elliott and the Wood Brothers racing team are giving long-time Ford fans something to celebrate next week in the Coca-Cola 600 at Lowe's Motor Speedway. Elliott has agreed to come out of his semi-retirement to drive the Wood's famous #21 Ford. Elliott, who had his greatest racing success driving a #9 Ford, will be back behind the blue oval logo for the first time since he drove his own #94 in 2000. The #21, which has been driven this season by Ken Schrader and Jon Wood, is outside the top 35 in owner points, but Elliott has a past-champion's provisional at his disposal if he fails to qualify on speed. "That will allow is to spend time getting the car ready for the race instead of worrying about qualifying," Elliott said. "And it means a lot to me to drive that car." Elliott has also filed an entry for the following week at Dover.(Atlanta Journal-Constitution)(5-17-2007)UPDATE 2: Bill Elliott has agreed to a race-to-race deal to drive the #21 Little Debbie/Motorcraft/Air Force/Ore-Ida Ford Fusion, starting with the Coca-Cola 600 event weekend at Lowes Motor Speedway. Bill Elliott has over 30 years of Cup racing experience, with 756 starts and 44 wins, 175 top-fives, 320 top-tens at the series top level. He also has 55 pole positions to his credit. Jon Wood is slated to drive the #21 Motorcraft Ford this weekend in the Nextel Open event. Elliott said, "I was pretty honored to get a call from the Wood Brothers to drive the 21 car. Ive seen them struggle the last few weeks, being outside the top-35, and it breaks my heart to see them miss races. I hope I can get in the car, get us qualified well every week and see what we can make up in the points battle along the way. Eddie and Len and, in fact, Glen and Leonard, have always been very close and dear friends of mine and Im very glad to be able to help them out. Regular driver, Ken Schrader: I see the need for it at this time. I want to see this team move forward as quickly as possible and I think the plan we have in place will allow that to happen. Down the road, we can reevaluate where we stand. Ill look forward to being back in the seat soon.(Wood Brothers/JTG Racing PR)(5-17-2007)