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Hickory Motor Speedway Tri-County Motor Speedway & Dillon Motor Speedway Added to 2007 Schedule
February 25, King, NC--- Dont look now but the ASA Southern Modified Race Tour is beginning to look a lot like the old S.M.A.R.T. Modified Tour of several seasons ago. The second season for the ASA Southern Modifieds is adding some familiar tracks that used to be part of the solid tour the Southern Mods had in years past.
The old S.M.A.R.T. schedule used to have several events at Caraway Speedway and those core events are now focused on Friendship Motor Speedway in Elkin, NC, said SMRT Tour Director Randy Myers. I am also excited to announce the addition of Hickory Motor Speedway, Tri-County Motor Speedway and Dillon Motor Speedway to the ASA Southern Modified Race Tour Schedule. Hickory hosted the S.M.A.R.T. Modified Tour a couple of times in the 90s and Tri-County Motor Speedway was a regular stop on the tour.
To add tracks with the tradition of HMS and TCMS to our tour adds a lot to the reputation of the series and I am looking forward to great races at both tracks. The Modifieds visited Hickory last season and had one of the most exciting Mod events of the year and Tri-County has always been known for side-by-side excitement for any division. Dillon Motor Speedway is located just off I-95 in Dillon, SC and will host the Modifieds in September. Former Craftsman Truck Series driver Ron Barfield has built a beautiful 4/10 mile track that promises action galore for Modified fans. The track has compound banking in the turns that should promote quick lap times as well as great racing, Myers said.
We are also in talks with other tracks that may make a return to the ASA Southern Modified schedule and additional dates should be announced very soon. I want to try to have 10 to 12 races on the schedule to make things interesting for everyone racing with us, said Myers.
The ASA Southern Modified Race Tour kicks off on Sunday April 22nd at Friendship Motor Speedway.
For information on the tour, call 336-972-4362.