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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
It's that time again for Saturday night racing at the Bowl! Even though the sky is cloudy, by the looks of this radar they shouldn't have any trouble getting in tonight's show. Stop by this thread at about 7:30 this evening for podium results from the feature events. We will be posting results here as soon as the checker drops for each feature.
-- Edited by bratmaster at 16:37, 2007-04-28
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Quite the interesting goings on in the Late Model division this evening. At least three teams had to make a mandatory carburator switch. The teams of Tim Jordan, Allen Coates, and Eddie Reed, told to swap carbs with those other teams and given hot laps by track officials. This after the track said to keep the show moving due to the threat of rain. Although there were some of those teams threatening to leave the track and not switch carbs, everyone who was instructed to do so, complied. Those hot laps have just ended, and we haven't heard if they're going to go back to their original carbs prior to the feature.
-- Edited by bratmaster at 19:46, 2007-04-28
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The Mini Stock feature has just ended with the top two podium finishers as follows:
1. Joe Godbout III 2. Phil Evans
The Ford Focus Midgets are on the track now, with the Late Models to follow, then the SK's, and the Sportsman division will finish out the evenings festivities. This schedule is tentative and subject to change.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
There are 20 SK's ready to take the green for the SK divisions feature event. During the SK Heats, Jay Miller and Doug Coby made contact and Jay was sent to the rear for rough-riding. Dennis Charette won one of those qualifying events, and I am sorry to say we don't know the winner of the second due to team committments of our track reporter. He did however, know that after the checker fell on one of those heats, Shawn Monahan ran into Jeff Pearl on the track, in an agressive fashion and was summoned up to the tower, apparently to be reprimanded. If the heats are any indication of what the feature will bring, we are in for quite the controversial features....
Back with Late Model results shortly...
-- Edited by bratmaster at 19:44, 2007-04-28
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The Ford Focus Midget feature has ended with female driver Ginny Quinones taking the win.
The Late Model feature has started and is already under caution. Apparently, Larry Goss had "some type of mechanical failure at the green, went into the wall hard, and destroyed his car", says our eyewitness.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The SK Main Event has completed with the full finish as follows:
1. Shawn Monahan 2. Doug Coby 3. Jeff Paul 4. Rob Janovic 5. Tyler Chadwick 6. Diego Monahan 7. Bert Marvin 8. Jeff Pearl 9. Kenny Horton 10. Dennis Charette 11. Dennis Gada 12. Tom Fox 13. Frank Mucciacciaro 14. Jay Miller 15. Wendell Dailey 16. Cliff Fitzgerald 17. Harry O'Brien 18. Donny Fowler 19. Dave Moulding 20. The "1" Car ?
Apparently there was some bad starts, "sloppy driving" says the eyewitness. Kenny Horton spun Dennis Charette out of the lead and was put to the rear for rough-riding.
The Sportsman division will cap off the night.
-- Edited by bratmaster at 21:24, 2007-04-28
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The Sportsman feature has ended and not without more controversy. The top two podium finishers are as follows:
1. Dwayne Dorr 2. Jim Procosini
Apparently, Joey Coates was involved in a two car melee'. After exiting his car on the track he took his head and neck restraint and threw it at the other competitor. He then tried to extricate the driver from his car but was restrained by the track crew. What a way to end another night of racing at the historic shoreline oval...
Back next week with news and results from the Waterford Speedbowl!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!