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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Well it's another great day of weather for racing and we will be bringing you live updates and as many of the top finishers as we can from all the regular TIS divisions in action today.
We will be back in a little while so stay tuned................
Today's schedule of events from thompsonspeedway.com:
Side note: There is a possibility IF MSS or Chrome Horn do not have live updates that we will do periodic updates and have some of the top finishers from the WMT event.
If we do decide to do that the updates and results will be located over in are WMT section.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Apparently the Sunoco Mod feature is 13 laps in and there have been several incidents.
Jimmy Blewett is currently leading and among those involved in incidents among the front runners were Keith Rocco, Bert Marvin, John Blewett III and Woody Pitkat.
Back with the top finishers hopefully shortly.......
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The Sunoco Mod feature has been completed and the full finish was:
1. Jimmy Blewett 2. Todd Ceravolo 3. Dave Sazarulo 4. Danny Cates 5. John Blewett III 6. Tommy Cravenho 7. Matt Hirschman 8. Harry Rheamue 9. Dan Lajunesse 10. Hank Stampfel 11. Shelly Perry 12. Russ Perry 13. Rick D'abate 14. James Harrison 15. Carl Oberg 16. Steve Masse 17. Kerry Malone 18. Paul Charette 19. Bert Marvin 20. Woody Pitkat 21. Bill Bourdeau Jr 22. Ronnie Silk 23. John Catania 24. Brian Tagg 25. Keith Rocco 26. Joe Lemay 27. Tyler Chadwick 28. Eric Leclair 29. Roland Begeron Jr
Side note: Kerry Malone was running 3rd with only a few laps to go and dropped out with mechanical trouble.
-- Edited by bratmaster at 15:51, 2007-04-22
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Ben being the spot on reporter that he is, has goten the top 5 in both the Mini Stock, and Ltd Sportsman features that were up 1st and 2nd today in the schedule of events that we missed out on puting up earlier so here they are:
Mini Stock top 5:
1. Andy Publicover 2. Rick Blanchard 3. Scott Michalski 4. Mike Anzalone 5. Mike Romano
Ltd Sportsman top 5:
1. Keith Desanctis 2. Ed Puleo 3. Scott Sundeen 4. Larry Barnett 5. Scott Cook
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The Pro Stock division went green to checker and here is the top 5:
1. Jeff Connors 2. Les Rose Jr 3. Mike O'sullivan 4. Mike Brightman 5. Norm Wrenn
We will be doing PERIODICUPDATES over in the WMT section for the WMT race during cautions we'll give you the top runners and updates of any incidents etc and some of the top finishers at the races conclusion.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!