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Kentucky Speedway wants Frances to sell either NASCAR or ISC: Kentucky Speedway has backed away from its demand that a jury award a Nextel Cup race to its track as part of its antitrust lawsuit against NASCAR and International Speedway Corp. But the track is demanding that NASCAR change the way it does business in a revised complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Kentucky. The track is asking that NASCAR develop objective factors to award Nextel Cup races, as well as asking the France family to sell off either ISC or NASCAR. It also asks that ISC divest itself of eight of its 12 tracks that operate a Cup race. Kentucky Speedway seeks damages in excess of $200 million. Among the other allegations in the revised complaint:NASCAR awarded a Nextel Cup date to Las Vegas in 1997 (for a 1998 race) because it expected that the owners at the time would sell to ISC. Instead the owners sold to ISC rival Speedway Motorsports Inc. NASCAR and ISC attempted to induce Kentucky Speedway owners to sell at an "artificially-low" price in order to drive it from the market and/or allow ISC to take over the track. It quotes SMI Chairman Bruton Smith on ISC's track portfolio: "If you make a good business decision, there's some of those places you would maybe go plant tobacco or grow peaches, but some of them should not exist today in the climate we're in." ISC's portfolio includes Daytona, Talladega, Michigan, California, Watkins Glen, Chicagoland, Kansas, Homestead, Darlington, Phoenix, Richmond and Martinsville. NASCAR implicitly threatened New Hampshire International Speedway with the loss of its track dates should New Hampshire sell a race to Kentucky Speedway. Kentucky offered New Hampshire owner Bob Bahre $360 million cash for his track. "The only reason why New Hampshire did not sell to Kentucky Speedway was because of the pressure exerted by ISC and NASCAR to exclude Kentucky Speedway from the market," the complaint states. It also alleges that NASCAR and ISC induced Pocono and Dover not to sell to Kentucky. ISC and NASCAR encouraged Kentucky Speedway to buy Martinsville in 2003 and 2004, and owner Clay Campbell expressed interest in selling to Kentucky in spring 2003. ISC eventually bought Martinsville as part of the settlement of another antitrust lawsuit in 2004. (SceneDaily.com).(4-21-2007)