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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
After some tireless work over the last week or so, I'm proud to announce that there WILL be programs for sale at the track this week!! The new programs are my creation (who better to come up with something then the guys who's been reading through decades worth of track programs the last year or so) and will incorporate not only the weekly results, but lots of Speedbowl history as well...
Appropriately enough, the new programs will be titled Sid's Vault Report and will be sold in the pits by yours truly during practice as well as on the midway and in the grandstands throughout the evening by some helpful hawkers...
The Vault Report is a small budget operation - which for readers mean - less ads and more pics, stats and commentary They'll be plenty to read - weekly recaps, points standings, drivers rosters, track champion list and my own little space to ramble on about the latest goings-on... and of course they'll be Race Dog photographs sprinkled throughout each issue as well...
They'll also be ballots for Most Popular Driver awards for each of the 5 Saturday point divisions - an old fan-friendly idea that is long overdue to be resurrected. They'll be certain issues throughout the season, including this week's first edition, that will offer discounts at the Speedbowl concession stands.
So be sure to get your copy at the track this week... can't say I ever imagined taking this on, but like The Vault - once I got into it a lil', I eventually went all out...
I mean c'mon... I am Fan O' the Year for cryin' out loud... See ya Saturday... Sid
That's awesome news Sid, kudos to you and your "salespeople" for planning and puting this together. We wish you luck and sucess with it, and I know your not much for accolades and such but I think Roth and company should stand up and give you your do on this one and all you do for the place.
Sid, congratulations on starting up the program deal this week. You've become quite the hero over the past two years with setting up the Little League night (read that it was a blast with the home run derby), and now with this ordeal.
You've earned your props from the track management.
Thanks guys!! The program went off well - everyone from track employees to fans to race teams said they liked it... and the track takes good care of me... like OWR said, I'm not much for public accolades - but they give me a lot of creative freedom and we've figured out ways to do things where I can contribute and still keep my "fan" status during race day in the Family Section... thanks for all the support...