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Defending champion Dwight Jarvis, Ascutney,VT., with a brand new Troyer modified ready to roll, will kick off defense of his 2006 championship this Saturday night April 14, when the Monadnock Speedway, Winchester,NH., rolls out the carpet for their new season.
Jarvis will be joined by a host of drivers from all over the northeast as the True Value Modified Racing Series, now in its fourth season, presents 100 laps of ground pounding modified racing action, the first of five events at the Route 10 high banked oval.
Jarvis, a four time winner on the tour and a winner at Monadnock last May, will be joined by previous opening night Monadnock winners, Kirk Alexander, W.Swanzey, NH., and Les Hinckley, Windsor Locks,CT. All three have been very successful at the New Hampshire oval over the years. Also expected for the season inaugural are Jimmy, Kuhn,Jr, W.Bridgewater, MA.,runnerup in the point standings last season, tour newcomer and veteran pro stock racer Todd Patnode, Swanzey,NH.,Canaan,NH., veteran and series founder Jack Bateman, Ed Dachenhausen, Danbury,CT, Hampstead,NH., charger Andy Seuss, a recent winner in Nashville TN, and Plainfield,CTs Ted Christopher, who has announced hell compete in all Monadnock events this season as well as TVMRS races at Waterford and Thompson CT., and the season ending event at Lee USA Speedway,Lee,NH.
The TVMRS will continue its popular qualifying race procedure in 2007 with 12 lap heat races and 15 lap last chance races to establish starting lineups in all events.
Because of last weeks cancellation of practice day, teams will be afforded the opportunity to shakedown their racers with additional practice time posted by the speedway management. Gates will open at 9 AM. with practice commencing at 12 noon. The racing program will start at 6 PM.
In the event of inclement weather, the rain date will be April 28. The TVMRS is scheduled at Waterford SpeedBowl, Waterford, CT., April 21. For additional information log on to www.modifiedracingseries.com