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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
The Vault Record Book has been added and ready for you to check out!! And since Mother Nature threw out the nice weather for this weekend, it's a perfect time to check it out...
There's a ton of new Records including: Season Records Consecutive Records Track Title Records Misc Records and more - all including statistical breakdowns for each category by division and for the track overall
The records are always being updated as new information is found. That will change some rankings, but it's highly unlikely that any record holders listed will change.
Shout out must go out to John Brouwer Sr's A Racing History of the Waterford Speedbowl which provided the statistics from 1951-1965 that I haven't completed yet with The Vault research. The only category that wasn't updated with help from Brouwer's work is the Consecutive Wins Streaks section as week-to-week winners are not listed in his book.
...and of course - Big Ups go out to jp.com's web-maestro who helped get the stats available for viewing in a pretty quick amount of time.
And with this latest update - I'm taking a well deserved T-O from the research. I'm severely burnt out this time around (As I'm often asked, I probably put in close to 600 hours this off-season and I'm well over a 1000 hrs of research alone since this bad-boy started - and this doesn't include the webmaster times or all the countless volunteers who've dug through their attics and garages for programs and scrapebooks). I'll hit it again after the season to hopefully complete 1951-1965 in the Almanac. We're close to 2 years on this project - and I'd say for everything I hope to accomplish with it - it's about 65% (how ironic) completed.
In the meantime, during the season - we'll probably work on some cosmetic things for the site, and maybe I'll be able to add some more yearly recaps to the season...
As always - feedback is encouraged and tremendously helpful. So email me anytime with any info, questions or suggestions.