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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
The complete Novelis and Oswego County Habitat for Humanity can collection program has been put in place for the 2007 racing season at the Oswego Speedway. An aggressive goal to collect 100,000 cans from race fans will be supported by great rewards for those fans that rise to the occasion and turn in the most cans in 2007.
Novelis and the Oswego County Chapter of Habitat for Humanity will be holding three Get your can to the Speedway can collection nights at Oswego Speedway in 2007. The first date will be May 26th from 12:00 until 4:00. The other two dates will be on June 16th and August 4th with the time on both of those dates being from 3:30 to 6:30.
Fans that buy a race ticket on any of the three can collection nights and turn in 200 recyclable cans will receive (2) tickets for Friday of Classic Week. They will receive (1) additional ticket for each additional 100 cans they turn in. All fans that turn in cans on any collection race date or at the Box Office during the season will have those cans totaled in their name.
Can collecting began at the Oswego Speedway Box Office before the season started. Fans have been able to get a jump on their collection totals by turning in 150 recyclable cans in exchange for a Novelis 150 Can-Do pass. These passes can be picked up at the Box Office through the first can collection date of May 26th.
Fans will present their Can-Do pass at the Box Office when buying race tickets to any six races of their choice from Opening Day through July 21st. Once they have their Can-Do pass punched with six dates, they will receive a free grandstand ticket for the 21st running of the Mr. Novelis Supermodified race on August 4th.
That is just the beginning of rewards for fans who participate in the 100,000 can goal in 2007.
The fan that has turned in the most cans through the second Get your can to the Speedway night on June 16th will receive two complimentary tickets to the Habitat for Humanity concert performance of Reba McEntire scheduled for Thursday June 28th at the Turning Stone Casino and Resort courtesy of the Oswego Speedway.
After the final can collection night on August 4th and when the goal of 100,000 cans has been met, the top thirty fans who have donated the most cans towards the goal will each receive (4) tickets for Sunday of Classic Week, courtesy of Novelis. From this group of thirty fans, one lucky winner will have their name drawn on Classic Sunday and they will win $1,000 cash courtesy of the Scriba Lane Redemption Center.
Fans are encouraged to bring cans to the Box Office to pick up a Novelis 150 Can-Do pass anytime before May 26th. Fans can also drop off cans to the Box Office as a donation throughout the season to help increase their total can count. All beverage cans sold at the Oswego Speedway that are placed in the Habitat for Humanity collection houses or discarded down the trash chutes will be collected by the Scriba Lane Redemption Center weekly and those numbers will all count towards the 100,000 can goal.
There are no restrictions as to who can be winners of any cash or ticket prizes in this season long goal to collect 100,000 cans. The Oswego Speedway and Novelis encourage all employees and race fans to do their part to help reach the goal. The cans are what matter and not who is turning them in. The real winner will be one lucky local family that gets a new Habitat for Humanity house built in the Oswego community in 2008 after Novelis meets their entire goal of one million cans.
Start saving and get your cans to the Oswego Speedway during the 2007 racing season.