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It seems there is something "rotten in Denmark", or New England for that matter, as Rick Wolf, a Lee NH Speedway competitor, has been declared the winner of the New England regional title worth 45 grand. Now, why you might ask? Well let me say up front, I have nothing against Mr. Wolf, and I am happy for him. Thats quite an achievement for him and his team, but some of the circumstances behind the final night of points are a bit... well lets just say shady. From what I'm hearing Mr. Wolf finished 3rd on the final night of points, (TC also finished 3rd at Stafford), then the 1st and 2nd place cars were disqualified at lee, giving Mr. Wolf the win and the points he needed to win the regionals. I'll leave you to ponder this with one final thought: Remember a few years ago a certain Connecticut race track ran double features and used some questionable handicapping procedures to allow Ted to win the national title as well as the regionals and more than a few people smelled a rat back then? Whats the old saying... what comes around goes around?