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Latest on the #36 team rumors UPDATE: been told that members of the #36 Bill Davis Racing team were told that if the team were shutting down, they would find out from team owner Bill Davis and not thru the media and that BDR is contracted with Toyota to field two teams even if the sponsor were to leave the team or not pay the bills. See past news on the #36 rumors on my #36 Team News and Links page.(3-23-2007) UPDATE: The #36 Bill Davis Racing Toyota team is not shutting down, team manager Tommy Baldwin told ESPN.com Thursday. "By no means are we slowing down with that team," Baldwin said. "But reality is reality. You don't make races you're going to be out of business. Any team. Not just the 36. We're certainly not in that position right now." Driver Jeremy Mayfield has yet to qualify for a race this season, spawning speculation that the team was in peril. "The reality of it is we've missed the first four races," Baldwin said. "It's been a hard thing to swallow as a race team. We've just got to keep working with the 36, figure out what Jeremy really wants [in the car]." Baldwin explained that Mayfield's driving style is vastly different than that employed by Dave Blaney, driver of BDR's #22 Toyota. As a result, what he wants to feel at the wheel is also quite different. "Jeremy's a finesse driver," Baldwin said. "He feels a lot of things in the steering wheel. Some things he doesn't like compared to Dave -- Dave can just drive through the situation where Jeremy is feeling a lot of things and it's making him uncomfortable. "The team is close. The people working on it are doing a really good job. The car is prepared really well. The car is built right. But I don't know if it's being they're built to Jeremy's liking. Being associated with Jeremy in the past [at Evernham Motorsports], there were some differences we had to do back then between the two drivers. It's pretty much the same here, we're finding out." To combat the situation, Baldwin said cars dedicated to Mayfield are being cut up and rebuilt. He said they went to the wind tunnel Thursday and will go twice more in the coming two weeks. Baldwin said Toyota is doing everything it can to assist BDR's development, and that Mayfield is fully engaged and handling it well. What about him? Is it time for a full time return to crew chief? "I don't want to," Baldwin said. "I want to keep working on the future of Bill Davis Racing as well as what's going on today. I've had to stop a lot of things, change my focus because of this role. But until we get into making the races and the direction we need to go there's no sense in bringing someone else into the company just yet."(ESPN.com) AND: been told by sources at the track, the #36 has 360 OTC decals on the car....and Mayfield is 16th fastest in practice at Bristol as of 11:20pm/et.(3-23-2007)