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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
This topic was discussed recently before, But we have faced our 6th<maybe more> rain out when it comes to qualifying, It gets boring after awhile to see the cars being lined up by points, I dont mind 2-3 times a season, even 3 is on a high side, But you know what they should do is.. if they have morning practice.... Have them line up by their speeds, Hell they do it in the U.K, If your not familiar with that procedure, Its when you have 10 cars at 1 time practicing for 10 laps or so then they take the best speeds from that and line them up, I dont support heat racing because it would take away the novelty of the twin 125s at daytona....I am a tradtional type of fan, Some rule changes i have agreed with in the past, But this rule has to be changed for the BETTER of the sport.... IN OTHER NEWS AND RUMORS
The BGNN has to quickly shape up a tad........ There only giving the winner 3500 for the win at some places, if i recall correctly, stafford gives its SK 40 lap feature winner 1800, If i am wrong correct me on this, 3500 is not enough for a driver or a team to function..... There is many possibilities on what tracks should be gone, A few tracks spoken about are seekonk, beech ridge, and waterford... I have to agree that they do have to leave EYE SORES like those tracks..... But i think other tracks would love to have them race..... here are a few tracks i will toss in the air
IRP - FMS raced there once didnt they?
WILKESBORO<if they ever get this track going again, its an eyesore now but with some time it could be done>
GREENVILLE PICKENS - i never saw the track and not sure if they even seat 10,000 fans
RICHMOND - even if its on a IRL weekend
BRISTOL- wouldnt that be something
and finally just maybe MEMPHIS - race on the same weekend as the BGN
Let me know what you think, As you could tell i did not put in any superspeedways, This in my opinion is a short track series and it should stay that way.......... Till next time
Scott, thanks for this, what a neat little bit of interesting info. I hope that he keeps this going. Maybe they should have two trophies. After all, they are giving $1000000.00 to the 11th place finisher. I'm sure Jamie MacMurray is keeping his eyes on this.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Hows this for a totally radicle idea. Lets totally do away with time trials and start every race based solely on points, with the high point man starting at the rear of the field and lowest point entrant starting on the pole. After all the sport is called racing, lets make every driver race for every position. It would make things a lot tougher for the drivers but, a lot more interesting for us fans.
Yes, but then how would the "field fillers" pull off after two laps? They'd chance wrecking the field or they'd figure they were leading so why pull off? Ooohh, Bender, scary thought!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!