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Rusty Wallace, Incorporated (RWI) announced that 17-year old short track phenom, Chase Austin, has joined RWI Racing's driver development program. This program will see Austin behind the wheel of an RWI #66 Dodge Charger for the entire 14-race NASCAR Busch East Series, with primary backing from RWI's Busch Series sponsor, Atlanta, GA-based home builder, HomeLife Communities. Austin will join Steve Wallace, the youngest son of NASCAR legend Rusty Wallace, as one of the two drivers currently competing under the RWI banner. Wallace and Austin will pilot identically painted #66 HomeLife Communities Dodge Chargers prepared at the state-of-the-art RWI complex, located just north of Charlotte, NC. Though he is only 17 years old, Austin has won more than 100 feature races in go-karts, stock cars and sprint cars. Much like Rusty Wallace, Austin competed and won, in the Midwest-based American Speed Association before deciding to make the jump to NASCAR. With that in mind, Wallace, one of NASCAR's top-ten all-time winningest drivers and ABC / ESPN's Lead Auto Racing Analyst, is eager to help Austin become a pioneering and successful African American driver in one of NASCAR's touring series and beyond. The NASCAR Busch East Series features 13 races, plus the NASCAR All-Star Showdown event, at 12 tracks, using cars similar to those in the NASCAR Busch Series. "While Chase is not a part of the Drive for Diversity program, we all definitely support it and fully believe in the cause," Wallace said, "Right now though, Chase just wants to focus on driving for Rusty Wallace, Inc. and learning what it takes to win races at a higher level. We're going to give Chase everything he needs to do just that. I really believe that he's going to have a great year; if it goes as well as we hope, we could potentially be looking at Steve (Wallace) having a Busch Series teammate in 2008."(RWI)(3-17-2007)