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they need to do more stuff like that to help out the teams. its getting so expensive to race these cars that they are pricing themselves out. i wouldnt mind seeing bigger carbs, so a little less "trick" stuff they need to do to the motors.
My question for the powers that be with the WMT is where is a Spec engine program? The BES has implemented it somewhat with what seems to be sucess and not to much wineing from the competitors.
im not to sure if the mods should go to a spec engine. i know will be way cheaper for the teams, but it take a way a lot of income for engine builders. it would make all of their high dollar engines basically worthless, and they would have to sell them for a big loss. also, i dont think this is high on the list for NASCAR. seems that they focus way too much on the big three. recently they've helped out the BES, but still what they're doing for the mods just isnt enough.
Great point Warren about the Mods not being the new "it" series/ feeder series that the BES seems to be turning into.
You also make a few interesting points Afohlin but one thing, (And I hope I don't offend anyone with this comment) But I don't think I'm in the minority when I say that I don't think to many, "hearts would be bleeding" if the Engine builders lost some income.
i hope the tour isnt gone by then. and if it is, at least there is the TVMRS and RoC that teams can fall back on. right now, overall, they just cant compete on the same level. and ya, i dont think most people are worried about the motor builders losing money, me included, but i just thought i'd bring it up.