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Fire at Watkins Glen UPDATE: Firefighters in Schuyler County were battling a fire late tonight at the Glen Club at Watkins Glen International racetrack in the town of Dix, NY. Although information was sketchy, flames were visible from nearby roads, but media was not allowed onto the WGI property. County Route 16, which was once part of the original road course and goes by the WGI grounds, was still open although state police directing traffic were questioning motorists about their destinations. Mutual aid was called as Dundee volunteer firefighters were standing by at the Watkins Glen firehouse in response to the alarm called in at 8:45pm/et Tuesday. The Glen Club is the racetrack’s catering facility that is also used for special parties. The track’s catering kitchens are located there. The Glen Club is located near the top of the hill after people enter the track at Gate 2. It faces the track’s Esses. The facility has expanded its schedule this winter, holding wedding receptions and other special functions. One such function was tied to the Daytona 500 last month. People paid to watch the race on large screens at the club on race day. The track reopens for the 2007 season on April 29. The first race weekend is June 8-10, the Sahlen’s Six Hours of the Glen.(Elmira Star Gazette)(3-6-2007) UPDATE: WGI President Craig Rust said no event was held there Tuesday night and no one was working there. He said when he arrived at about 9 p.m., the building was engulfed in flames. A nearby, separate building, called the Suites, was not affected by the fire. "The fire departments were doing their job," Rust said. No one was injured and a cause had not yet been determined, Rust said. He said a report on the damage will be released Wednesday. Rust also said The Glen Club is a small part of the overall WGI operation. "Fortunately it's not something integral to running races," he said. One event this month that will be affected is the Sports Club of America's 50th anniversary celebration scheduled at The Glen Club on March 31. Rust said renovating The Glen Club is on WGI's wish list, but not a high priority. "It was a dated building," he said. However, the building has been part of the nostalgia associated with the road racing facility, said William Green, the track's historian. "It's really too bad," Green said. "A lot of history has gone on there." (Elmira Star Gazette)(3-7-2007)