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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
The details are sketchy and actually still coming in, but it appears that Chris Jones, recent SK feature winner, and the Nascar Weeky Racing Series Northeast Region Championship contender Teddy Christopher, were involved in an altercation on Lap 18 in tonight's last regular Friday night feature of the season at Stafford Motor Speedway.
A red flag was eventually dropped after Chris Jones blocked the track, exited his car and apparently pulled down the 13's window net, and proceeded to use fists on Teddy. The police were brought over to break it up. Our eyewitness's report that Jones "fell out of his tree" and hit "the self proclaimed Tornado", before promptly being escorted off the track. Rumors abound that the Jones spread the word pre-race, that Teddy wouldn't finish the night. He finished third.
Jeff Baral took the checkered flag with Frank Ruocco second. Again after being used as a punching bag, Ted Christopher finished third.
Hopefully, we'll get more specific and detailed information on tonight's action later. It seems there were lots of driver's letting out season frustration on the asphalt this evening. Ken Voight was another, who was put to the rear numerous times for rough driving. After the Dare and Late Model features running without a hitch, it seemed alomost inevitable that the SK's would run into some controversy. Arutes', ooops....I mean..... Murphy's Law.
More later...
-- Edited by bratmaster at 22:45, 2004-09-10
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Update: It seems that the action was even more exciting than first reported. Not only were the drivers fighting, but it appears that the crew members of Jones and Christopher left their respective infield positions to defend their drivers. To the delight of the fans, all this went on in front of the flagstand on the frontstretch. The crowd was ecstatic! Apparently, this will not effect Teddy's championship bid for the Northeast Regionals, or his SMS SK championship, nor his reported run in a NNC car at New Hampshire International Speedway, coming soon. Jones will probably just take a couple of years off...like he does everytime he gets himself into hot water.
Another temper flares in the pits. Jay Miller, son of veteran driver Ray Miller seemed to be on his way to a well deserved first SK win at Stafford Motor Speedway tonight. Jeff Baral loosened up Miller and he spun out of contention, while Baral continued on for the eventual win. Jay and "posse" reacted to the loss after the race by confronting Baral and crew in the pits. After a quite heated and animated shouting match, the teams dispersed, Baral to the winner's circle, and Miller back to Granby, CT dejected. You'll get another shot Jay, you're young and talented.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Man that was one ugly race last night. ive been following the Sk,s since day one and i've seen some doozy's, but that one was up there on the list. What is up with that Ken Voight character? he is like an "assasain" out there. He is thrown out of Thompson and Waterford i belive, why didn't Stafford toss him after the first couple of idiot moves he pulled last night?