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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Both the Tour-Type and SK-Type Modifieds will NOT time trial tonight. They will line-up from last night's qualifying results.
"2007 Richie Evans Memorial 100" starting line-up:
1. #9 Eric Beers 2. #00 John Blewett III 3. #19 Jimmy Blewett 4. #18 Donny Lia 5. #15 Zach Sylvester 6. #79 Chuck Hossfeld 7. #70 Andy Suess 8. #36 Ted Christopher 9. #80 James Civali 10. #73 Jon McKennedy 11. #58 Kevin Goodale 12. #47 Jim Storace 13. #40 Ryan Preece 14. #22 Bobby Holmes 15. #8 Earl Paules 16. #6 Joey Logano 17. #09 Bobby Grigas III 18. #96 Butch Perry 19. #25 J. Wesley Swartout 20. #31 Jason Friday 21. #76 Shelly Perry 22. #93 Rowan Pennick 23. #38 Dave Sapienza 24. #28 Justin Bonsignore 25. #91 John Jensen
Line-up is UPDATED.
SK-Type Modified starting line-up:
1. #12 Jimmy Blewett 2. #05 Eric Goodale 3. #9 Eric Beers 4. #8 Earl Paules 5. #30 John Cleary 6. #09 Brad Vanhouten 7. #96 Butch Perry 8. #31 Jimmy Zacharias 9. #76 Shelly Perry 10. #5 Rick Kirkin Jr.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 20:08, 2007-02-16
1. Jimmy Blewett 1 2. Eric Beers 3. Earl Paules 4. Eric Goodale 5. Brad Vanhouten 6. Butch Perry 7. Shelly Perry 8. Jimmy Zacharias 9. Rick Kirkin, Jr 10. John Cleary
1. #19 Jimmy Blewett 2. #36 Ted Christopher 3. #18 Donny Lia 4. #9 Eric Beers 5. #15 Zach Sylvester 6. #73 Jon McKennedy 7. #8 Earl Paules 8. #80 James Civali 9. #6 Joey Logano 10. #47 Jim Storace 11. #93 Rowan Pennick 12. #76 Shelly Perry 13. #25 J. Wesley Swartout 14. #09 Bobby Grigas III 15. #31 Jason Friday Southern 16. #40 Ryan Preece 17. #00 John Blewett III 18. #22 Bobby Holmes 19. #91 John Jensen 20. #38 Dave Sapienza 21. #28 Justin Bonsignore 22. #79 Chuck Hossfeld 23. #58 Kevin Goodale 24. #96 Butch Perry 25. #70 Andy Suess