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Waltrip partners up with Wells for the #00 team: Michael Waltrip Racing has partnered with PPI Motorsports owner Cal Wells for the ownership of the #00 Domino's/Burger King Toyota. The team will be known as Waltrip-PPI Racing with Michael Waltrip Racing as the managing partner, MWR general manager Ty Norris said Friday. That means the car, driven by David Reutimann, will have the points of the #32 car from last season, which was 37th in points and not in the top 35 to be locked in for the first five races. Nextel Cup Series Director John Darby confirmed Friday those points only help in case of a rainout of all qualifying for the Daytona 500 (and possibly at the expense of the Waltrip's #55). Having qualifying wiped out for the Daytona 500 is a highly unlikely scenario with four days to get qualifying speeds posted and three days to get the 150-mile qualifying races completed. If qualifying gets rained out at other tracks, the 2006 owner points are used to set the top 35, but are not used as criteria if qualifying attempts are needed to fill the field. Norris said as Michael Waltrip Racing was building up its team, it had a need for equipment and personnel that Wells had. "It really doesn't change anything for marketing purposes - but Cal Wells is involved as the car owner," Norris said. "There may be some benefit to us [in qualifying], but whether there is or not, we were starting a new team that needed some people. "Cal's whole 32 pit crew is the pit crew for Michael Waltrip now. There are a lot of things that we did with Cal, and if there is a benefit that comes along with it in the rainout provision, that would be good for us." Michael Waltrip Racing would retain the points if PPI Motorsports returns to competition in 2008, Norris said.(SceneDaily.com)(2-10-2007)