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North Wilkesboro Speedway sold to real estate company UPDATE: Speedway Motorsports Inc.'s Bruton Smith said he and Bob Bahre [owns New Hampshire Intl Speedway], who each own half-interest in North Wilkesboro Speedway, have signed a deal with a real estate company to negotiate a sale of the land on which the defunct track now sits.(Thatsracin)(1-25-2007) UPDATE" Smith talked about the possible sale of North Wilkesboro Speedway, which he bought half of about 10 years ago in order to launch Texas Motor Speedway in the Fort Worth-Dallas area. That move helped kick off 10 years of major expansion by the NASCAR Cup tour. Smith said that he and Bob Bahre, who bought the other half of the Wilkes County track and took that tour date to his Loudon, N.H., track, have agreed to put the track and land in the hands of a realtor, who, Smith said, thinks he can sell it. The price tag is, as it has been for several years, $12 million, Smith said. How to make a profitable return on such a $12 million investment has always been a question mark. Smith said it won't be for racing. "I don't think they're looking at it for racing, but rather other events, like a major national fiddlers' convention," he said. "I hope the buyer is successful in whatever he wishes to go. We'll have to wait and see. It was just a phone call with Bob. Bob and I have been getting along fabulously, contrary to what some have said. He just said 'Whatever you want to do....'"(Winston Salem Journal)(1-26-2007)