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Vickers takes over for Allmendinger at Daytona UPDATE: #84-AJ Allmendinger will finish his week of testing at Daytona International Speedway early. Allmendinger, the open wheel star and newest addition to the Red Bull driver lineup, will step aside Tuesday to allow teammate Brian Vickers to return. Vickers, who has more stock car experience than Allmendinger, will help the team try to find the speed that has eluded them so far in the Daytona test sessions. Vickers scheduled test session was last week, but team officials confirmed Monday that they would bring him back to Daytona. During last week's session, Vickers and Team Red Bull posted the slowest laps among the Toyota's that tested. Allmendinger managed a 34th place lap [of 62] on the speed charts on Monday.(Cup Scene Daily) UPDATE: Vickers is slotted to test the #84 Totota on Wednesday as Allmendinger will be truck testing down in Homestead, FL that day. To make up for the schedule conflict, Allmendinger ran laps last week in the 83 car in Daytona.(Red Bull Racing)(1-16-2007)