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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
The Almanac section for '06 is now up. I think the only thing missing is the name of the flagman who replaced Billy Dunn in the Staff section & the drivers who lent their cars to the winners of the Fastor Pastor Race (Sat) and Mechanics Race (Wed) in the Special Events section. So that ain't too shabby... of course, if you know the answers - send me an email...
The Record Book sections for Career Wins AND Lap Records have 2006 statitstics added.
Other new stuff:
The Track Champions page in the almanac has all the multiple track champions listed. Most Track Championships overall AND by divisions (past & present) are listed.
Expanded main page write ups on the years 1988, 1989 and 1990.
There's a lot of little stuff that's constantly being updated and/or corrected but there's too many of those nuggest to list. The most notable correction though is probably Allen Coates' LM win total in 1998 corrected from 14 to 13 - which means he does NOT share the division record with Rondeau, but is the runner up... unofficially that is of course until all LM results are found.
For some reason at both the Banquet & in press releases, Dorr's 2006 win total is listed as 9 point races, 10 overall. But he broke the record, it was 10 point races, 11 overall. The season didn't end that long ago for cryin' out loud...
Thanks for all the emails from everything about previous years' feature winners to award winners, from banquet locations to dates held. All of them have been a tremendous help!!
Time to dig deep into the research over the next few months so for everyone over the last year who's mentioned to me they have some boxes of ol' programs in the attic, here's a little knudge to dust them off. If you're serious about doin' so, send me a shout. I'm getting re-organized and I'll have an updated list of what programs/speedway scene/race event dates that I'm missing. It will definitely save you time on your end and help me aviod having multiple copies of the same thing if you have this list before you go diggin'.
I'll let ya know when there are more major additions to the site. Thanks again for everyone's help Hope ya dig the new stuff