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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
I went to Stafford Friday night for the SK twin 40's last Friday night, and somethings been burning me all weekend about some of the things that went on. Some to do with some calls, and the others got to do with some team member's actions. In the first 40 lap SK feature, a hard crash on lap 5 wrecked Frank Ruocco, James Civali, and Curt Brainard. Ruocco had two cars there, the other one was qualified by Zach Sylvester. Zach had parked the car after a few laps, and after the crash Frank jumped in (the car was on pit road, poised and ready). Now anyone with a brain knows the points go to Zach, and Frank was just feeling the car out for the second race, but the "conspiracy theororists" charged the tower and "cried FOUL". Needless to say, they weren't there very long. Then even more bizarre to me was James Civali coming out for the 2nd feature with an unqualified backup car! His brother Joe had tried unsuccessfully to qualify the car earlier in the night. What was up with that? Is there some sort of clause in the rules, and if there is, shouldn't they at least have to renumber the car? Then the Agor/Teddy incident, wasn't the first, and won't be the last. In the 2nd feature Lloyd Agor spins off Teddy's bumper, and suprisingly Christopher gets sent to the rear. They played a little "chicken" under caution, while some Agor supporters used some pretty colorful terms as they expressed their opinions on the ordeal to the SMS management. Just think... there's twin 30's this week
Checked out the sms site today and looked at the penalty notices from 8/27 event and saw that teddy got a penalty of loss of handicap from one event, along with what he recieved that night. Mike christopher, holdridge, ruocco, and pitkat also recieved penaltys. Pitkats and ruocco were crew related. Anybody no the scoop on some of these penaltys? Elaborate please?