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Ted Christopher will apparently run a limited schedule of True Value Modified Racing Series events in 2007. Christopher will drive for the Czarnecki Brothers.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 18:16, 2007-01-06
More from Lou Modestino's "New England Motorsports South":
And speaking of TC, the Czarnecki Bros are returning to the True Value Modified Racing Series in 2007 with him at the wheel for six specific dates. Those are four at the Monadnock Speedway in Winchester, NH and two more at the Waterford Speedbowl according to a knowledgeable source close to the team. That's good for those two tracks because Ted always livens up an event wherever he competes. Also, this commitment with the TVMRS won't enhance his standing with the NASCAR officials who are unhappy when when of their Whelen Modified Tour stars races in that (TVMRS) series which has replaced the NASCAR WMT at several venues in New England over the past few years. However, Christopher seems less concerned with politics and sets his sights on racing and winning.
RE: Ted Christopher To Compete With True Value Modified Series In 2007
nascar has helped teddy out a lot. remember when he won the national championship? they would wait for him to come back from NHIS to race, and wouldnt black flag him after he'd get into someone and spin them out. i agree that teddy doesnt care much about the politics, and just wants to race as often as he can
TC is TC he is along the lines of a Tony Stewart or a Ken Schrader as far as if there is a race and he can get a ride for it he'll be there and as has been said really doesn't care about the political side of thing's.
The more interesting thing to me is, and I don't know if it is hard cold fact but enough people have talked of hearing it one way or another is Nascar's apparent dislike for WMT driver's running in other Mod Series. I personally don't see what the problem is with it the fan's sure as heck like it, and that is what this is supposed to be all about right?