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73 year old Hylton to attempt 07' Daytona 500 By Greg Engle Cup Scene Daily,January 3
In an age when teams sign drivers in their teens, one is looking to buck the trend.
73-year-old James Hylton will enter the 2007 Daytona 500. He has competed in 16 Daytona 500’s; with his best finish being a third in 1967.
"I was running a 1965 Dodge that I had purchased from Cotton Owens and was staying on the led lap until I had a tire go down late in the race" states the racing legend "I had little financial backing, I was running with nothing".
Hylton finished behind winner Mario Andretti and second place finisher Fred Lorenzen and collected $10,925 for his efforts.
At an age when most people have retired, Hylton is jumping right back into what has arguably become a young mans sport.
"I have never been able to come to Daytona with a well-financed operation and a first-rate car. I have always wanted to be able to race the 500 and not be limited by budget constraints and even though it has taken over 40 years, I am finally at that position. At my age, the odds against me are astronomical but it's a challenge and I love a good challenge."
Hylton will the drive the number 58 Chevrolet Monte Carlo built and prepared by Richard Childress Racing. A crew chief for the team will be named during January. Hopkins is also constructing a "Car of Tomorrow" for Hylton Motorsports, which will debut in March at Bristol.
When Hylton Motorsports heads to Bristol, Damon Lusk of Kennewick, Washington will take Hylton's place in the seat of the number 58 car and Hylton will become Crew Chief. Lusk has two wins in ARCA RE/MAX Series competition along with along with 10 Top-5 and 23 Top-10 finishes. Lusk has also recorded 17 NASCAR Busch Series starts and six Craftsman Truck series starts. Lusk raced for Hylton Motorsports in 2000 and won his first pole at Springfield while driving for James Hylton.
"We are looking at running 19 Nextel Cup races in 2007 and Damon is a perfect fit for our plans" states Hylton "Over the years Damon has exhibited that he has the ability to step up to Nextel Cup level. Damon had a good run in 2006 in the ARCA RE/MAX Series and 2007 will give him a chance to move up to the next level."