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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
WATERBURY, VT – Nominating ballots for several season-ending awards have been put in the mail to licensed ACT and Thunder Road competitors and officials. Each participating driver from the 2006 ACT Late Model Tour and ACT Sportsman Series as well as weekly divisions at Barre, Vermont’s Thunder Road Int’l Speedbowl can submit a nominating ballot for their division.
The Late Models and NAPA Sportsmen (weekly and Tour/Series) will each offer up deserving candidates for their division’s “Most Improved Driver” award. Additionally the two classes will also nominate names of fellow competitors who are deserving of the “Sportsmanship” award. The Allen Lumber Street Stocks will propose names for the Ed Carroll Memorial Award which honors the driver who is deemed a sportsman by his peers.
Each license holder can nominate up to four names. The names appearing most frequently will go on the final which will be sent out in mid-December. Nominating ballots, which can be sent by mail (P.O. Box 296, Waterbury, VT 05676) or fax (802-244-1616), must be received by the ACT/Thunder Road office no later than Friday, December 15.
Past recipients of the Late Model Most Improved Driver Award include Roger Brown (2005), Steve Fisher (2004), Trampas Demers (2003), Chad Wheeler (1997 & 1999), Phil Scott (1992) and multi-time Thunder Road Late Model King of the Road, Cris Michaud (1994 & 1996), among others. The Late Model Sportsmanship Award has gone to Ron Henry (2004 and 2005), Brent Dragon (2003), Dave Wilcox (2001), Cris Michaud (1999) and Dave Whitcomb (1998) to name a few. Both Late Model awards were instituted in 1992.
Recent recipients for the NAPA Sportsmen Most Improved award, which dates back to 1990, include Brian Delphia (2005), Chris Gendreau (2004), Steve Bennett (2003), Robin Wood (1992), and Doug Murphy (1994). The Sportsmanship Award winner’s list includes Chris Gendreau (2005), Kerry Henry (2004), Chip Grenier (2003), Joe Steffen (2002 & 2001), as well as many others dating back to 1985. Kip Stockwell, who will be returning to ACT Late Model racing in 2007, was the 1990 Sportsmanship award winner for the Tiger Sportsman class.
The Ed Carroll Memorial Award was founded in 2002 following the accidental death of long-time ACT official Ed Carroll. By a vote of his peers, “Super” Joe Fecteau was honored with the inaugural award for his sportsman-like attitude and actions. Gary Mullen was the 2004 honoree and Lloyd Blakely received the most votes last year.
The 2006 ACT and Thunder Road Banquet is set for Saturday, January 13 at the Sheraton Burlington Hotel and Conference Center. Ticket information has been sent to all licensed drivers and is also available from the ACT/Thunder Road office by calling 802-244-6963.