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DeLange Racing Press Release posted at RaceChaser.org:
It was a very successful 2006 season at DeLange Racing. But as in all things, changes are inevitable in racing.
It is with both sadness and joy we announce the following alterations to the Young Gun roster, effective immediately.
Dave Wollaber of North Tonawanda has decided to leave the DeLange team. Wollaber enjoyed considerable success driving the #45 Modified during his one season with the team; among his accomplishments were one Modified feature victory and the season Modified co-championship at Lancaster Raceway Park. No announcement has been made on his future racing plans.
In the early portion of the 2007 season the #45 Modified will sit idle. By midsummer Erick Rudolph of Ransomville will take over the reins, with the exact timetable yet to be determined. Erick will begin the year driving the #12 SST Sportsman before adding the Modified to his schedule. His move up to the 600-horsepower racecars will be under the tutelage of his father and crew chief, Charlie Rudolph, an accomplished racer in his own right.
"It is with regret we say goodbye to Dave Wollaber," says team owner Dave DeLange. "He was a valued member of our team and a pleasure to work with during his time with us. His accomplishments were many and I will always be grateful to him for fulfilling a life-long personal dream by winning the Lancaster Modified championship. Dave has made the choice to pursue other opportunities and we wish him the best in the future."
Other announcements on the 2007 plans for DeLange Racing will be released in the coming weeks. We wish all of our friends, fans and fellow competitors a very Happy Thanksgiving.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 18:53, 2006-11-27