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All, This is not a true or false trivia question, I'm looking for some modified tour fans input. With the rising costs of competing on the modified tour today, many teams have come and gone since the inception of the mod tour, 1985 to present. Let's put our heads together to compile a list of the teams that have competed full time on the tour, every season, from 1985 to the present 2006. I'll start it off with Jamie Tomaino Racing, Carl Pasteryak Racing, Boehler Racing.........
Thanks for your participation. Together we have named approximately ten teams that have been competing on the tour since 1985. Of the ten we have mentioned, three teams have not competed full time since 1985. Unfortunatley,two other teams, Art Barry and the Boehler team, are facing a big decision in 2007 - whether to run a limited schedule or not run at all because of the lack of financial backing. I think it is a great thing that Whelan has come aboard as the title sponsor of the Mod Tour and is trying to expand the schedule geographically. It is my hope that, if they expand the racing area, it does not eliminate any other teams because of the cost of travel.
So far there hasn't been any fallout from all the talk of traveling to some far away venue's but if the BES team's reaction to the release of their schedule is any indication, (Team's selling out or moving to other series) it might not be a good thing.
Great thread RMF, it is an eye opener for sure when you sit back and think about how few teams are really left since the early day's of the Mod tour.