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With all the rumors circulating, I thought it was time for another "Just my thoughts".
First off, several tracks are rumored to be hosting the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour in 2007. There are also several tracks that hosted events in 2006, that are rumored not to be returning in 2007.
I have mixed feelings here. I love both the Waterford Speedbowl and Riverhead Raceway, but think for the Tour to progress they must move on. I also think that Thompson and Stafford host too many races. Each should host the Tour for their season opening and closing event. In my opinion the SK Modified and Sunoco Modified Drivers have an advantage from their Weekly Racing Series experience.
More travel does require more money and not all teams have the budget. I still think there will be an average of thirty-five cars at any race. Most of the "big budget" teams do quite a bit of travelling allready. New Symyrna, Concord, South Boston, Seekonk, plus the full Tour. Any event in the South would have Whelen Southern Tour cars to fill Northern void.
If rumored tracks like Mansfield can offer a substational purse it would be an AWESOME addition in my opinion.
This is the year NASCAR says they are going to focus on the Whelen Tours and both the Busch East and West Series. Hopefully, the sponsors of the NASCAR Autozone Elite Divisions that saw their final season in 2006 will support these divisions in 2007.
Another idea, kind of off subject, but I wanted to add. Make the season opener the "Thompson 300".
And if 2006 was the final season for "Ole Blue", I just want to say "Thank You For The Memories".
Just my thoughts, thanks for reading them.
I also have some mixed feelings. I wish that the tour would return to Waterford and Riverhead, but if they cant fill the stands and pay the purse, then its not worth it. For personal reasons, i wish it would stay a northeast tour just because i would like to make it to as many races as possible. I was invited to go to the NSS but my parents wouldnt let me. They wouldnt be too happy if i wanted to go to Ohio and Virginia a could times next year. I think Thompson and Stafford should have the same number of shows. They always fill the stands and put on great shows. They are cornerstone of the tour. Its great that NASCAR will FINALLY help out the mods. They have been neglected for far too long. Hopefully they can get more sponsorship to help out the teams with their extra traveling. There should be a Thompson 300, but not for the first race. Now having that for the World Series would be awesome. Most of the divisions run on Saturday and time wouldnt be an issue. Even having the race start in the day and end in the dark might be cool too.