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Brian France in accident....is OK: According to a Daytona Beach police report, Brian France crashed his Lexus four-door sedan into a tree just outside his condominium on Marina Point Drive. Police said Magnolia Avenue resident Shirley Hill saw France enter the parking lot of the Chart House restaurant just after 9pm/et. Monday and plow into a tree on the property. At that point, the 44-year-old France backed up his car and slid into the underground parking garage of the nearby Marina Point condominium, where he has a unit, the report shows. Hill called police and reported the wreck. Police Chief Mike Chitwood said officers called France downstairs that night to ask what had happened. France did not return a telephone call to The Daytona Beach News-Journal on Wednesday, but the report shows he told police he was drinking a soda and driving when he "bumped something" and the drink spilled in his car. Officers inspected the interior of the car and found the remains of the soda on the dashboard and front seat, the report shows. They also spotted debris from a palm tree on France's passenger door, but no damaged tree in the Chart House parking lot, the report states. It is not clear why Hill was driving behind France on Beach Street and what France actually struck. Hill could not be reached for comment Wednesday. Chitwood said officers at the scene did not ask France to perform a field sobriety test because, "He did not smell of alcohol or anything like that."(Daytona Beach News Journal)(11-9-2006)
UPDATE: A witness told police NASCAR boss Brian France was driving recklessly and hit more than a tree as he sped home to his riverfront condominium earlier this week. Now, Daytona Beach Police Chief Mike Chitwood, after speaking to witness Shirley Hill, has launched an internal affairs investigation to determine whether officers who responded to France's condo on Marina Pointe Drive on Monday night handled the incident correctly. "If I find out that someone gave him (France) a break because of his last name, someone is going to have to look for a new job," Chitwood said Thursday afternoon. More at the Daytona Beach News Journal and listin to the 911 call there.(11-10-2006)
France: Daytona Accident "closed case": After Daytona Beach Police officers were determined to have followed proper procedures investigating a traffic accident of NASCAR Chairman Brian France, the NASCAR head says he considers the issue closed. "As previously stated, I fully cooperated with the police on the night in question about what happened on my way home from a fast-food restaurant," France said in a statement released by NASCAR. "I accidentally brushed against a tree or roadside stump on the narrow road leading to my apartment. The State Attorney's Office and the Daytona Beach Police Department have concluded that all the procedures were followed; as such I consider this case closed."(SceneDaily.com)(12-19-2006)