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I was reading at Mod Series Scene and had this topic catch me eye. Seems the RUMOR Mill has the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour doing alot more travelling in 2007.
There had been past rumors of most NASCAR Whelen Southern Tour events becoming combination races.
I heard some scuttlebut from a pretty knowledgeable source in the WMT pit area about Richmond possibly coming back to the schedule, and the idea of running Dover being tossed around much to the concern of the teams.
They had almost a month off inbetween the Sizzler and the next race in May last season. I'm surprised people just don't add in a race or two right there. They've got the time, now just pop some tracks onto the schedule and provide some action.
i hope that the whelen tour doesnt have any more combination races down south. It would be awesome to go back to richmond durring a cup weekend. Dover would be dumb, just more money and to run on a surface different to anythign else they run on. Not to mention the money issues. They should make the southern boys come north for a big race at the begining of the season.
I think Warren hit's the nail right on the head, all the talk of traveling to new venue's or revisiting old ones is great, but can the teams afford to do so?