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EPPING, N.H. (AP) -- Six people are recovering from injuries received when a race car went out of control and crashed into the grandstand at the Star Speedway.
Epping police said none of the injuries were life threatening.
They said Angela Fauteax, 22, of Manchester was driving the car. They said she lost control just before 5 p.m. Saturday as she rounded a turn, crashed into a plastic foam barrier and then through a chain link containment fence. The car glanced off an ambulance and hit the spectators.
Witnesses said it appeared the throttle had stuck open.
They said debris flew into the crowd and two men were pinned under the car. They said spectators helped lift the car so the two could be pulled out from underneath the vehicle.
The injured spectators weren't identified.
About an hour after the accident, races resumed at the track.