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#06 Withdrawn from Atlanta after Ragan not approved: Roush Racing has withdrawn its #06 Ford from the entry list for this weekend's Bass Pro Shops 500 at Atlanta Motor Speedway after driver David Ragan wasn't approved to compete on 1.5-mile tracks at the Nextel Cup level. The team announced last week that Ragan would run both the Craftsman Truck Series race and the Cup race at Atlanta as he prepares to take over for Mark Martin in the team's #6 entry next season. First, though, Ragan needed approval from NASCAR to step up to that level. Currently, he's only cleared to race on tracks 1 mile or less in length in Cup. The 20-year-old has made just two Cup starts thus far, at Dover and this past Sunday at Martinsville. Ragan was involved in two accidents at Dover, where he finished 42nd after completing just 46 laps. He finished all 500 laps at Martinsville on Sunday, but angered a number of his fellow competitors in the process after making contact with Dale Jarrett and Ken Schrader, among others. "Currently he's approved to participate at NASCAR tracks 1 mile in length or less," NASCAR spokesman Kerry Tharp said Tuesday of Ragan's Cup eligibility. "There is an approval process in place and his status will continue to be reviewed on a weekly basis. "We take a lot of things into consideration: Experience, qualifications, that type of thing. There's a NASCAR committee that convenes on this each week and they'll continue to review any application that he makes regarding the rest of the series." While Ragan is cleared to race the truck series event at Atlanta, he was not on the entry list as of Tuesday afternoon. That, though, could still change by the time practice begins on Friday.(SceneDaily.com)(10-24-2006)
Ragan not cleared yet by NASCAR: David Ragan has not raced in a Nextel Cup event since NASCAR held him out of the race at Atlanta Motor Speedway last month, but he still could race in the season-opening Daytona 500 next year. Ragan is set to replace Mark Martin in the #6 AAA Ford Roush Racing entry next year. The rookie has failed to qualify for Nextel Cup races at Texas and Homestead since his rough outing at Martinsville that led to NASCAR keeping him out of the car for a week. A decision from NASCAR on whether it would hold Ragan out of the 2007 season opener could come this week, but that scenario seems unlikely.(SceneDaily.com)(11-21-2006)