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Actually Anonymous, TC drives a lot LESS agressively than he did when he was footing the bill. Don't know how old you are, but if you were at Stafford in the 1986-1990 era he was wild behind the wheel of his own 13-Sanitary Services Corp. car. Believe it or not, IMO TC has "aged" with experience. Yes, he does ruffle feathers, but if there was a race where you had to pick one guy to win I would pick him-regardless of the car. Who would be your choice? And why?
I would agree with WMT- the #00 if $ are there. I respectfully reserve the right to make a new choice when/if rides open up! :)
I probably should have been a little clearer Anon, I agree it is hard to think TC will spend his own dough but I've heard rumor's of him back in a car #'rd 13. Some of these rumors say it could be his former car owner backing him somehow, other's talk of a possible Brad L TC teaming.
Chuck will be in the 79 next year, I think. He and Hill seem to get along really well, and they just have had very bad luck. Plus Hossfeld is used to driving Troyers, and needs to figure out the Raceworks chassis. Once he does, they will be a force to be reckoned with.