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With announcement that Ted Christopher will not return to the #36 in 2007, I was wondering who you thought would be the best replacement.
I personally would like to Mike Ewanitsko return. Maybe for just one season Mike can avoid injuries and show why he still ranks among the Tours all-time win leaders.
Other drivers I believe would have a great season in the car would be Woody Pitkat, Johnathon McKennedy, Ron Yuhas Jr., Doug Coby, James Civalli, and Mike Alexander.
A few long-shot drivers would be Kory Rabenold, Erik Rudolph, and Mike Leaty.
These are just my opinions, I would like to hear yours. -WMT-
Realistically: Woody Pitkat, Mike Ewanitsko or Mike Andrews
Woody deserves a shot at WMT
Mike E should have been in the ride to begin with, but his injury kept him out of the car
Mike A was in the car at the begining of the season, but was kicked out when teddy lost his ride. He should have another shot at it after what he did in New Smyrna.
Donny is a great driver, and drives a Troyer already, so that would be a nice fit. But, I cant see him leaving his current team, owned by his father. It costs so much these days to field a competative modified team though, so I could see why he would want to leave his current ride.
I dont know if that would work out either. The 28 is a great car, and i dont see any reason why he would leave. They also got a brand new Raceworks that they debuted at NHIS. A lot of teams only like to run the tour, and there are only a select few that like to run in open shows and compete in different races outside the tour. I dont get why people say that Lia, Civali and Hossfeld should be in the 36 when they already have great rides and good realtionships with their owners and crews, not to mention the ablitily to win.
It did win rookie of the year last year, with a few 10 tens at a bunch of different tracks. I thought the red car was a new one because it is the same body style as the new car that Reggie runs. They did have a very strong start to the year then faded at the end of the season, but that doesnt necessarily mean that they need to buy a new car. I thought Civali had a great rookie year and in a couple of years he will be some one to fear come race time.
Anon, while we allow everyone here to express their opinion's as long as they do so cleanly and leave out the off track stuff I think your being a little tough on the #28 team. The #28 team work's as hard an puts as much effort in to their racing as anyone else on the tour granted the addition of Civali as garnered them a win and a solid finish in the point's but I don't think they put any less effort into things with their previous drivers as they do now so let's lighten up a bit on them.
Lol Anon, you never know stranger things have happen. From some of the posts I've seen on MSS on this subject it seems like Whelan wants someone who can run up front, win races, an championships but do it without controversy and so on and so forth. Not trying to start any rumors or insinuate anything whatsoever but a driver in my mind that fits that mold is Jerry Marquis.
I saw Teddy shirts for 5 bucks at Thompson because they thought he wouldnt be in the car next year. All i see this whole thing as is getting peoples hopes up that a deserving driver would get to drive in quality equipment, but i guess that is not the case.