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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
1. Clay Rogers 2. Shelby Howard 3. Jay Fogleman 4. Jody Lavender 5. Gary St. Amant 6. Shane Wallace 7. A.J. Frank 8. Justin Hobgood 9. Kirk Leone 10. Matt Carter 11. Tim Bainey Jr. 12. Derek Kale 13. Johnny Rumley 14. Wayne Willard 15. Bobby Gill 16. Mart Nesbitt 17. Joey Logano 18. Mike Mason 19. Mardy Lindley 20. Daniel Johnson 21. Mike Herman Jr. 22. Mardy Lindley 23. Michelle Theriault 24. Jeff Agnew 25. Woody Howard 26. Sam Fullone 27. Dange Hanniford 28. Joe Harrison Jr. 29. J.J. Pack 30. A.J. Fike 31. Jack Bailey 32. Trevor Bayne 33. Jim Crabtree Jr. 34. Eric Corbett 35. Benny Gordon 36. Ken Butler III 37. Jeff Fultz 38. Michael Ritch