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Ashton Lewis Frustrated by Limited Opportunities: Busch Series veteran Ashton Lewis Jr. is facing the harsh reality that, at age 32, his time may have come and gone. The Virginia native will leave the Rensi Motorsports-owned #25 Ford after this season, his second with the Marine Corps.-backed team. Heīs 15th in points (seventh among Busch regulars) entering Friday nightīs Dollar General 300 at LMS. He has absolutely no idea if heīll be in racing next season. "Iīm frustrated from the standpoint of where the sport is going," the college-educated mechanical engineer said. "I think I have the talent to run with anybody, but itīs frustrating not to have any more opportunities than are out here. On any given weekend, we can win a race. Itīs just that Iīve never had a shot to consistently fight for wins week-in and week-out, or to fight for a championship. I guess the two things against me are my age and the fact I havenīt been to Victory Lane. The driver still has what it takes to run up front. Itīs just getting the opportunity to showcase it."(Ford Racing)(10-13-2006)