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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Earles Paules was the winner of the "7th Annual King of The Mountain 150 " at Mountain (PA) Speedway. The full results from the tracks website.
Modified (150-laps)
Position - Driver 1. EARL PAULES 2. Brian Defebo 3. Zane Zeiner 4. Dan Jivanelli 5. Chris Whitenight 6. Rusty Smith 7. Tommy Flanagan 8. Steve Whitt 9. Ken Heagy 10. Justin Bonsignore 11. Chaz Surman 12. Dave Sapienza 13. Tom Wanick 14. Barry Callavini 15. Lenny Fischer 16. Mike Bohn 17. Tim Santee 18. Sal Accardi 19. Lou Strohl 20. Jason Arthofer 21. Eddie Brunnhoelzl III 22. Wes Swartout 23. Joe Hartman 24. Andy Walko 25. Tommy Farrell 26. Chip Wannamaker DNQ: Larry Fisher & Bobby Jones